Mini Cosmo Collection
Our primary goal in creating the "Mini Cosmo" collection was to transfer the infinity of the Universe, beliefs of our ancestors in divine information hidden in crystals and minerals, to the minimalist jewellery piece. Small and delicate enough to reflect our tiny place in a grand scheme of things. To make sure each piece feels super light but durable, so you can wear them comfortably all the time and touch these powers as long as possible.
Mini Cosmo Collection
Our mysterious Universe has fascinated humans for millennia. Many cultures have predicted terrestrial events from celestial observations. Astrology, studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects, was considered a scholarly tradition often close with astronomy, meteorology and medicine. The movement of the universe objects in the sky was regarded as signs of divine communication with humans and provided divine information about human affairs.
On the other hand, here at our home Earth, many cultures believed that crystals and minerals found across the Earth contain healing properties. From bringing peace to mind to fighting depression, the list seemed to be endless. As believed, these unique Universe creations have strong relationships with celestial objects and transferred divine powers to human bodies.
The infinity and vastness of the cosmos and the mystical beauty of minerals always frightened and influenced our ancestors. They compared our tiny place in the vastness of the Universe. They debated the insignificancy of our lives in the grand scheme of things.
We, here at INMIND, believe it's hard to deny that any individual will be insignificant in the great scheme of things. No matter how important they are in human history. But when it comes to value, every human has influence over a microscopically tiny blip of space-time. As a whole group, collectively, as humanity, we are significant even in the Universe.
Our primary goal in creating the "Mini Cosmo" minimalist jewellery collection was to transfer the infinity of the Universe, beliefs of our ancestors in divine information hidden in crystals and minerals, to the jewellery piece. Small and delicate enough to reflect our tiny place in a grand scheme of things. To make sure each piece of minimalist bracelet feels super light but durable, so you can wear them comfortably all the time and touch these powers as long as possible.